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Felipe Alfonso González L. 
Computer Science Engineer (Ingº en Informática). MSc.(c) In BD & BI. Systems Architect. Cybersecurity / Cyberintelligence Advisor. R+D (I+D). CSec./CTI Advisor. [ Read more ... ]
"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the
seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will
reach your destiny." ~ Carl Schurz
"Truth is lived, not taught." ~ Brother Herman Hesse
"In a cold and ruthless world, all that remains is to thole, persevere and withstand, hold back the tears, and remember that we are nothing more than a whisper in the vastness, an echo that will fade. Nothing of what we possess, nothing of what we believe ourselves to be, will endure… except that which, in the intimacy of ritual and introspection, we forge within ourselves. And not even that. Still, in the deepest darkness, we must learn to rise with an unbreakable will, for only in that acceptance —in that descent to the threshold of the void, where the soul faces its own shadow— can we carve our consciousness into something higher, more worthy… something that transcends." ~ Felipe Alfonso González L. △ [ Español ]
"En un mundo frío y despiadado, solo queda sobrestarse, lidiar con denuedo, contener las lágrimas y recordar que somos nada más que un susurro en la inmensidad, un eco que se perderá. Nada de lo que poseemos, nada de lo que creemos ser, perdurará… salvo aquello que, en la intimidad del rito y la introspección, forjamos en nosotros mismos. Y ni siquiera eso. Aun así, en la más absoluta oscuridad, debemos aprender a erguirnos con una voluntad inquebrantable, pues solo en esa aceptación —en ese descenso al umbral del vacío, donde el alma se enfrenta a su propia sombra— podemos tallar nuestra conciencia en algo más alto, más digno… algo que trascienda." ~ Felipe Alfonso González L. △
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About me.
I'm a Computer Science Engineer.
Specialized as a Systems Architect. Currently, I am pursuing a Master's degree in Big Data & Business Intelligence. Currently, active in the realm of Cybersecurity, with a focus on Cyberintelligence concurrently with my studies. Along with that I'm also focused on teaching online as a Lecturer. Currently, I am also pursuing an advanced diploma in Cybersecurity alongside my studies, and my consistent engagement in coding for
open source projects,
I actively contribute to advancing collaborative software development. and deepening my understanding of different subjects. I'm a member of the GitHub community and part of the team of maintainers.
I'm a Freemason, member of the Terra Ignota Lodge in Chile - part of the Masonic Philosophical Society, I study about freemasonery and several philosophical subjetcs; almost all my family are or were part of the Great Lodge of Chile though, like my male first cousin Santiago González L. former Mining Minister of Chile and Current Rector of the Central University (Universidad Central) of Chile, my Father Alfonso González Marquez former High-Chief of the Chilean Investigative Police (PDI), and my Uncle Carlos González Marquez, former Sentator of the Republic of Chile. Personally, I also do lectures about Zen Buddhism at Insighttimer, I also play Bass Guitar, with an
Ibanez GSRM20B miKro, especially jazz/blues. In my leisure time, I enjoy practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) - Zazen (About Zazen in Wikipedia Spanish), I enjoy listening to music - check out my Spotify profile, and pursuing academic interests. I have a deep love for animals and nature. As a former Rover Scout Leader with the Agrupación Nacional de Boy Scouts de Chile. - supported mostly by the Great Lodge of Chile -, I wholeheartedly support their mission and values. Additionally, I stand with PETA in advocating for the ethical treatment of animals. I thoroughly enjoy reading, check out my Goodreads Bookshelves.
If you need to contact me, share private or critical data, or to send a message in a
secure encrypted
way, please use the following Public Key for ecryption using PGP. You can use the tool of the MIT: pgp.mit.edu. (Use this email as a
recipient: [email protected]):
My life in Engineering.
I am a Computer Science Engineer from Chile, Specialized as a Systems Architect and Cybersecurity - Cyberintelligence advisor, with a passion for research and development across diverse topics in the field. While I strive to continuously broaden my knowledge horizons, my primary focus lies in specializing in Software Engineering, Data Engineering, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and other areas that hold significance in the past, present, and future landscape of computer science. My aim is to grasp both the fundamentals and the cutting-edge aspects of this ever-evolving domain.
My expertise encompasses coding, statistical analysis, and a strong grounding in computer science principles. This skillset serves as a foundation for driving innovation through the adoption of the latest technologies.
I have been immersed in the world of technology since the mid-80s, when connecting to the internet required a phone cable and compiling the Kernel using UNIX and/or GNU/Linux was necessary to visit 'Altavista.com.' I have a particular fondness for FreeBSD, Debian, and Arch. Although I also feel fond to macOS due to its relation with UNIX-BSD, my experiences collaborating with top engineers and technical professionals during the 80s-90s have fueled my passion for technologies and entrepreneurship. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am today and have provided me with a wealth of knowledge that I love to share, including old stories with one of Chile's top entrepreneurs, Leo Prieto.
With over 23 years of experience working in technology, I am constantly studying, researching, and focusing on areas such as data structures, algebra, calculus, math., software engineering, practice solving problems, databases, models of consumer and firm behavior, dynamic models, stochastic dynamic programming, functional programming, OOP programming, non-compensatory decision models, advanced algorithms, data science, refactoring & decomposition in coding. I have expertise in engineering, researching, and consulting.
During my journey, I've embraced roles spanning from Computer Science and Software Engineer to leading teams and ultimately becoming Head of Engineering. I've also delved into research across various technological domains. My experiences have spanned the globe, from Europe and the USA to my roots in South America - Chile. As a Computer Science engineer, I've had the fortunate opportunity to lend my expertise to a diverse array of projects.
Throughout my life, I have been fortunate enough to live in various countries, including New Delhi, India; Auckland & Christchurch in New Zealand; California, US; & Cape Town in South Africa, which has given me fluency in English and Afrikáans, in addition to my mother tongue, Spanish. You can write to me in any of these languages.
I have extensive experience in research, serving as Head of Engineering and Research in advanced algorithms and engineering development across various critical topics within prominent organizations in the USA, Europe, and South America.
If you are interested in starting a business, consulting, research, or collaborating, please feel free to contact me on Linkedin
or Twitter, or just write me to my gmail: felipe.alfonso.glz [@] gmail.com. If you happen to be in Santiago, we could even chat over a cup of coffee. Just let me know beforehand because I could be busy working on exciting projects. Thank you!
Academic Studies:
Universidad Mayor (2007-2011).-
Still, participating at the Linux User Group with alumni members of that period, of the University.
San Pío X 2422, Providencia, Región Metropolitana
Instituto Superior de Artes y Ciencias de la Comunicación, IACC (Ingeniero en Informática, Titulado/Graduado con distinción máxima / Computer Science Engineer, Graduated with maximum distinction. Continuity professional program - Computer Science Engineering -
Informatics, professional degree). [Thesis's Degree]-
Av. Salvador 1318, Metro Santa Isabel, Providencia, Santiago.
ENEB - Escuela de Negocios Europea de Barcelona - (Center Associated with the Isabel I University, Spain), (Máster en Big Data y Business Intelligence Candidate - Remote Programm). Main tutor
Professor: Alberto de la Fuente.
C/ Llull 321-329, Barcelona, Barcelona 08019,
RIT - RITx's Cybersecurity MicroMasters® Program - RITx @ edX.org (RITx) & (IBM @ edX.org) (IBM Certificate in Cybersecurity), (Professional Certificate in
Cybersecurity, Micro-Master's at edX: Micro and Extended Masters' Remote Programm). Main tutor
Professor: Jonathan S.
Henrietta, New York.
United States.
EC-Council, (International Council of E-Commerce Consultants) (Advanced Diploma in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence, candidate). Focused on advanced skills and knowledge in cybersecurity practices and Cyberintelligence methodologies. Main tutor: Professor Nathan Crosswell.
Albuquerque, New Mexico,
United States.
Education | Published & Working Papers | Research Interests
Research and Development Group Lead / Founder @ Nymex, Data
A team which is made up of different people around the world who are software engineers, developers and
technology experts in different areas, and we constantly collaborate and develop in technology and offering
consulting and/or services around the world.
Santiago, Metropolitan Region, Chile.